一本加入 Solana 生态的手册。由开发者为开发者设计。
了解 Solana 開發
使用这些 Solana 基金会和社区课程开始你的 Solana 开发之旅。
Solana Development Courses
Quickstart your Solana development starting from nothing to complex programs.
Solana Bootcamp
Solana Bytes
Build on Solana by Rise In
Ethereum to Solana Developer Course
Solana Learning Track
Rust + Solana Advance Development Course
学习来自整个 Solana 生态系的教程和指南。
Getting Started with Token Extensions
With the new token extensions, you can create custom logic for your tokens. In this guide we will go over everything you need to know about token extensions and what you need to get started building today
How to Optimize Compute Usage on Solana
Minimizing the amount of compute a program uses is critical both for the performance and cost of executing transactions. This guide will show you how to optimize compute usage in your programs on Solana.
EVM to SVM: Understanding Solana for EVM developers
Learn about the key differences between the SVM and EVM development environments and start building with Solana.
Solana 开发入门(仅使用浏览器)
Solana 开发者快速入门指南,学习如何使用 Solana Playground 在浏览器中设置、构建和部署你的第一个 Solana 程序。
设置本地开发环境并安装 Solana CLI
轻松为 Linux、Mac 或 Windows 上的 Solana 开发设置本地开发环境。 包括安装 Rust、Solana CLI 和 Anchor。
Getting Started with Token Extensions
With the new token extensions, you can create custom logic for your tokens. In this guide we will go over everything you need to know about token extensions and what you need to get started building today
How to Optimize Compute Usage on Solana
Minimizing the amount of compute a program uses is critical both for the performance and cost of executing transactions. This guide will show you how to optimize compute usage in your programs on Solana.
EVM to SVM: Understanding Solana for EVM developers
Learn about the key differences between the SVM and EVM development environments and start building with Solana.
Solana 开发入门(仅使用浏览器)
Solana 开发者快速入门指南,学习如何使用 Solana Playground 在浏览器中设置、构建和部署你的第一个 Solana 程序。
设置本地开发环境并安装 Solana CLI
轻松为 Linux、Mac 或 Windows 上的 Solana 开发设置本地开发环境。 包括安装 Rust、Solana CLI 和 Anchor。
探索整个 Solana 生态的开发者资源。
Solana Stack Exchange
Solana Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Solana software users and developers.
Anchor Framework
Anchor is a framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several convenient developer tools for writing onchain programs.
Solana Playground
Easily build, deploy and test Solana programs and onchain programs from a browser IDE.
Solana Stack Exchange
Solana Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Solana software users and developers.
Anchor Framework
Anchor is a framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several convenient developer tools for writing onchain programs.
Solana Playground
Easily build, deploy and test Solana programs and onchain programs from a browser IDE.
阅读 Solana 和流行工具的文档。
Solana 文档
查看全部了解 Solana 的工作原理并深入了解 Solana 的架构。
Metaplex 文档
查看全部了解你使用 Metaplex 构建的内容,使创建和发行 NFT 的过程更加容易。
Solana Changelog
Some more Solana changes from Nick & Jonas. Subscribe to the newsletter: https://solana.com/newsletter Solana StackExchange weekly rankings: - https://stackexchange.com/leagues/714/week/solana/2024-07-07 SIMD-0075: Secp256r1 ...